Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

New to Kingfield, or just need a refresher? We understand. See below for some of the most common questions we’re asked.

Kingfield is being used by some of the largest Global Custodians, Multinational Broker/Dealers, and Asset Owners.

The Kingfield platform is a global solution that provides multi-currency functionality for Claims processing. The Kingfield SaaS platform currently has users globally across North America, Europe and Asia.

Yes, claims can be sent via email to non-Kingfield participants and accessible through the client "micro-site".

The timeline for onboarding has varied per client. We work closely with the project team at the client level to ensure that all timelines are created and met. 

Yes, the Kingfield platform is ready to "buy off the shelf" and currently supports 14 claim types. The software has the ability to add several additional claim types to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Yes, in many cases, Kingfield can - and has been - customized to fit the specific needs of our clients. 

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